This was my first weekend completely on my own since Isla was born and once the initial "aaahhhhh, peace and quiet" novelty wore off, I was genuinely at a loss for what to do.
Even a couple of years down the line from the vomiting incident, my child still worried if she had been ‘good enough’ all year. I would catch her googling “Am I on the Nice List?”
Story time should be fun for parents too - because the more parents enjoy reading stories to their kids, the more they will do it, and the more the children will enjoy being read to.
For me, the fleeting words of "I just want my old life back" creep out from time to time. And you know what? It's okay to allow ourselves to feel like this.
We Love Cookies. All types of biscuit, in fact. In the same way we'd always urge a cookie with your coffee for the best time, we use cookies on our website to give you the best experience we can offer.
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