3 Ways Your Bedroom is Affecting Your Mental State, Health, and Well-Being

mental state, health and wellbeing

They often say that your bedroom is a reflection of who you are, but too few people talk about how our bedrooms can reflect on us. If you’re constantly feeling drained either when you’re in the room or out, it could be because there’s something fundamentally wrong with it.

Unless you’re into Feng Shui or well-being in general, you may have never imagined to what extent your room can affect your mood, attention, tolerance to stress, and cognitive abilities. The worst part is that some of these things are either completely subliminal or go completely under most people’s radar. Let’s take a look at how your bedroom is affecting your mental state and well-being.

The Effect of Clutter on Stress and Anxiety

You may think that clutter is just a bad habit. Some people learn to live with clutter, and even start to see it as a part of who they are. But these people often have no idea of how bad clutter can be for your mental health.

For instance, clutter has been directly correlated with higher anxiety levels. One study by Cornell University found that clutter not only elevated stress levels, but could lead to a variety of other harmful coping mechanisms like over-consumption of junk food, for instance.

In addition to making you feel more anxious and stressed, a cluttered bedroom can also have disastrous effects on sleep and the ability to focus.

But it doesn’t stop there. Stress also elevates cortisol levels, and too much cortisol can wreak havoc on the human body. It heightens your risk of contracting heart disease and it also elevates your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There’s also US research that shows that cortisol levels are higher in mothers that live in a cluttered environment, which can have tons of implications for the child.

Your Brain on Clutter

You might think that having a messy or disorganised room isn’t that much of an issue, but science says otherwise. One 2011 study conducted by a team of neuroscientists found that clearing clutter helps participants better process information and focus. They also noted a boost in productivity.

This is because the human brain naturally likes order and seeks to create balance, so constantly seeing cues of disorganisation drains its resources. This then has a direct effect on your ability to focus and various other mental functions.

Pathogens and Bacteria

Not only can your bedroom wreck your mental health, but it can affect you on the physical level as well. Another thing that a lot of people overlook is the number of pathogens and allergens they might be exposing themselves to.

Even if you have impeccable hygiene, you might not know when you’re inviting the growth of bacteria. For instance, old frayed sheets that have been through multiple clean cycles are more likely to harbour bacteria and pathogens. You could also be dealing with mould without even realising it.

For instance, if you’ve been dealing with a cold that never seems to go away, have congestion issues, or your asthma symptoms suddenly start aggravating, then this could be a sign that you have mould in your room. Visual signs you can look for include dark spots on walls, or if you notice wallpaper starting to peel off the walls for no reason.

What is the Solution?

The first thing you have to do is deal with the clutter. Sally Walford of declutterme.london advises that you always start with the bed. She states that this will give you a surface from which you can start organising everything else. The bed is usually also the piece of furniture that takes up the most space. However, this doesn’t mean that all this space has to be wasted.

One great idea would be to go for an ottoman bed. These will allow you to maximise space with the additional storage underneath. Plus, Ottoman Beds look stylish too. In case you are interested in knowing more about this type of bed we recommend you to visit Big Brand Beds. They have an extensive selection of ottoman beds in the UK to choose from.

The next step is making sure that you use your space wisely. Make sure that your bed and furniture don’t occupy more than two thirds of the room. The remaining third should be a completely free space that will allow you to move around the room freely. The free space will help clear your visual field and soothe your mind.

As you can see, the state of your room can affect your quality of life in more ways than one. Make sure that you do everything in your power to give yourself the space you deserve; your health and well-being depend on it.


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