6 Sleep Hygiene Tips and Hacks for the Entire Family

6 Sleep Hygiene Tips and Hacks for the Entire Family

Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for health, happiness, and functioning well during the day. However, amid busy schedules, stress, late-night electronics use, and inconsistent bedtimes and wake times, quality sleep often suffers. Fortunately, there are many practical tips and hacks families can use to improve their sleep hygiene. With some simple changes, the whole family can sleep better.

Set a Consistent Bedtime

Having a regular bedtime is one of the best ways to improve sleep for kids and parents alike. Shoot for the same time each night, even on weekends. This consistency allows your body to calibrate and get into a rhythmic sleep/wake cycle. Avoid pushing bedtimes later, as losing an hour or two can throw off your schedule for days after.

To encourage consistency, set reminders, have pre-bedtime rituals like brushing teeth and reading, and remove electronics use in the hour before bed. With regular, predictable bedtimes, falling asleep becomes easier as your circadian rhythm aligns.

Upgrade the Bedroom for Optimal Conditions

From lighting to temperature to accessories, optimize your bedroom for high-quality slumber. Use room-darkening curtains to limit light disruption. Keep temperatures around 65° F which facilitates thermal regulation during sleep. Consider using white noise machines or ear plugs if ambient neighborhood sounds cause issues.

You can also try sleep aids like weighted blankets, lavender aromatherapy, or even mouth strips. Somnifix mouth strips are a good idea. They are hypoallergenic so they won’t irritate your skin and they’re clinically proven to promote nose breathing and reduce snoring. With a tweak here and there, you can craft the ideal sleep sanctuary.

Limit Pre-Bed Screen Time

TVs, phones, tablets, and computers emit blue wavelength light that disrupts melatonin production and delays sleepiness. Avoid using screens in the hour before bedtime and remove electronics from bedrooms entirely.

If you absolutely must use a device, enable Night Shift or similar warm light filters which reduce harmful blue/white light. The less high-energy light exposure before bed, the better. Read a book or try relaxation techniques instead for better rest.

Set a Regular Wake Time

Just as consistent bedtimes improve sleep quality and rhythm, maintaining the same wake time every day also regulates the sleep cycle. Choose your ideal wake time based on obligations, sunrise and other factors, then stick to it even through weekends and holidays. Resist the urge to sleep in more than an hour past normal, max.

Waking later throws off the previous night’s sleep phase and makes it harder to fall asleep the next night. With a steady wake time, your biological clock stays aligned to facilitate lower sleep debt.

Nap Strategically

Daytime naps can help make up modest sleep debt, enhance alertness and even boost creativity. However, napping incorrectly can also interfere with nighttime sleep if overdone. Keep naps short, under 30 minutes. Take them earlier in the day, ideally before 3 pm. And avoid napping if insomnia is an issue.

Children tend to benefit more from well-timed naps than adults. Maximize kids’ nap benefit by timing naps for early afternoon when dips in alertness and performance occur. Let the nap’s timing vary based on the child’s age and sleep needs. With some experimentation, an optimal nap schedule can be found.

Involve the Entire Family

Since families often share bedrooms, bathrooms, and common spaces, getting sufficient high-quality sleep requires the participation of all household members. Explain these sleep hygiene principles to children and why they are important for wellbeing. Lead by example with your own behavior.

Encourage other caregivers like grandparents to also facilitate good sleep habits when caring for kids. Make sleep a family priority by protecting bedtimes, budgeting enough time for sleep, setting device guidelines, and respecting each member’s sleep sanctuary. With everyone on board following a consistent approach, the whole family can sleep better.


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