If your child needs a test for Covid-19, it can feel a little daunting. Getting the best result relies on the test being conducted properly, so to help MOLOs testing their little ones, this guide should help, including a couple of videos to show you how:
When to take a test
You should take a test within 5 days of having any of the following symptoms:
- a fever
- a new continuous cough
- loss of smell or taste
The Covid-19 Test
Start with the throat swab.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Make your child comfortable, and explain what is going to happen. They can hold someone’s hand, or sit on a knee if they wish.
- Ask them to blow their nose into a tissue and throw it away.
- Open the packaging, swab stick end first – you must not touch the soft fabric end of the swab. Don’t let it touch anything else, including a surface during the test.
- Starting with their throat, ask them to open their mouth and say ‘ahhh’ for five seconds so you can see the back of their throat easily.
- Swab the back of the throat in the two areas shown in the picture below for 10 seconds. This may be uncomfortable for them, so a promise of a reward after might be a good idea! They should continue to say ‘ahh’ while you swab the back of their throat, around the tonsil area.
- If you cannot take a throat sample, please take samples from BOTH nostrils instead.
- Remove the swab from the mouth gently – don’t let it touch anything!

Next, do the nasal swab.
- Put the same end, of the same swab into the nostril until you feel resistance.
- Rotate the swab in the nostril for 10-15 seconds, then carefully remove.
- Repeat this process in the other nostril if you were unable to take a swab from your child’s throat.
- Place the swab carefully into the sample tube, snapping off the end as you do so and securely screw on the lid.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water and follow the instructions in the pack to return the test.
Here’s a video for adults, too:
To order a home test kit, or to find your nearest testing site, go to https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test