MOLO Hack: The Reusable Surprise Egg

MOLO Hack: The Reusable Surprise Egg

Be honest – how many of those surprise eggs have your children conned you into buying? A plastic shell with a plastic wrapper, containing some plastic tat, and a sticker or some sweets. With the planet in the state it’s in, awash with plastic litter, do we really want to add more to it? Plus – the expense! These plastic, tat-filled eggs are really pricey for what they are. So we will definitely be trying this brilliant MOLO hack from Sarah Manning from Portsmouth, whose children are aged two and three. Sarah puts her own treats inside a plastic egg, including a small toy which actually already belongs to her child, but has been forgotten about. Genius!!

She posted this in The Motherload Facebook Group:


Instead of buying those surprise eggs or kinder eggs with rubbish toys which children seem desperate for…

I’ve bought these refillable eggs, re-filled with some toddler snacks, raisins and jelly beans etc.. and then.. here’s the mean bit, put a tiny toy of theirs inside!

My two have so many little bits and pieces they forget about, my 3 year old thinks it’s a brilliant treat and it makes them interested in their little toys again too without adding more!

Perfect bribes.

Sarah’s brilliant idea was a massive hit with 1.8k reactions and comments. Loads of members wondered why on earth they hadn’t thought of this! Some commented that it was better for the planet, while one mum said “Pretty sure you’ve reached top level parenting here, friend!” We agree – and it’s even more handy with Easter coming up.  You could add a few mini eggs and a pre-loved Hatchimal to the egg, or a marshmallow. SO many options. Thanks for sharing Sarah!

If you want to read more about small ways to save the planet, have a read of this!

Please note: The Motherload Facebook group is a closed community where we share the highs and lows of parenting, and any journalists wishing to report on posts in the group are required to contact us first for permission and we will liaise with the member concerned. Action will be taken against publication of members’ images and stories taken without permission.

Image credit: Sarah Manning/The Motherload.


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