Mental Load
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Frankly, we're at our limit: but can we really get the balance we desperately need? Absolutely, says Kate Dyson
How does history - and society - contribute to our current 'mental load' that we carry?
Can women really manage the 'the motherload' - the invisible mental burden of managing the family and household?
Becoming a parent is not only a revelation in terms of learning how to keep a small squishy thing alive, learning how to function on little to no sleep and learning how to stop caring if your clothes have another…
If there's one thing which never fails to anchor me to reality, it's a list. When life is a crazy old whirl of commuting, working, keeping humans alive, doing school admin for two entire children, helping run The Motherload community…
A recent study reported in the Independent which focuses on the ‘emotional responsibility’ of being a mother has revealed that, ‘while more men do housework and childcare than used to in the past, women are continuing to manage the household…