Signs that your Relationship Isn’t Working Out

Relationship isn't working out

Every single relationship has its own fair share of problems. Even the couples that are well and truly happy will find a few bumps in the road from time to time, but you should always be able to move past them if you put the work in. If you want to get some help with the relationship you have now, then this guide should help you out.

You are Continually Fighting

All couples fight from time to time. It’s normal for you to argue now and again, but it’s not normal for you to argue all the time. Fighting all the time becomes a problem when you are also using disrespectful and critical comments which are more than you can handle emotionally. You may also find that you are continually trying to tip-toe between your blow-ups and that your relationship turns toxic over time. If you want to do something about this, then you may need to try and seek out counselling. This will help you to discuss your issues and it will also help you to deal with any conflict that may be underlying.

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There’s Just No Intimacy

It’s very normal for the passion to slow down when you are in a relationship. After all, the honeymoon period doesn’t last forever and sometimes having an exhausting job, kids or even a mental illness can all have a huge impact on your sex life. There’s a difference between having your sexual ups and downs and having absolutely no chemistry together. If you feel as though the thought of touching your partner deters you then this is a sure sign that something is wrong. If you want to get around this, then you need to have a good conversation with your partner. It may be that they feel the same way. One way to get around this would be for you to set a day to one side every week, where you can be intimate together. You can also make the effort to be more affectionate, such as by spontaneously hugging your partner when the moment calls for it. If you struggle with intimacy because of long-distance then look into spouse visa renewal so your partner can stay in the country with you.

You Don’t Trust your Partner

As you navigate the lows and highs in your life, you have to be able to rely on your partner. You can’t have a healthy and long-lasting relationship if you do not trust your partner. If you want to build a bond with your partner then you need to try and work through the issues you have. If your partner has done something in the past to stop you from trusting them, then this would indicate that you have some insecurities and this can mean that counselling is the best option. You can also practice authentic vulnerability as this will help you to showcase who you are to your partner. It will also help you to connect with them on a deeper level.


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