Have you been searching in vain for your reading mojo? Do you want to read some gripping books that will make you think and then chat about them with other like-minded folk? Congratulations – you’ve found exactly what you’re looking for.
Welcome to The Motherload Book Club!
Each month we’ll choose one book, and get together at 8.30pm on the first Monday of the following month, to chat about it on Facebook. There’s no pressure to do it every month, and there’s loads of other book-related chat on the group – you can join here now!
Our next read-along, to be discussed on Monday September 3rd at 8.30pm in The Motherload Book Club is…
Beautiful Liars by Isabel Ashdown
Eighteen years ago Martha said goodbye to best friend Juliet on a moonlit London towpath.
The next morning Juliet’s bike was found abandoned at the waterside.
She was never seen again.
Nearly two decades later Martha is a TV celebrity, preparing to host a new crime show… and the first case will be that of missing student Juliet Sherman. After all these years Martha must reach out to old friends and try to piece together the final moments of Juliet’s life.
But what happens when your perfect friends turn out to be perfect strangers…?
You can buy it here from Amazon for £6.82 paperback or get it on your Kindle for £1.99 straight away.
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