Has reading for pleasure become a distant memory? Do you spend more time reading picture books aloud than getting lost in the latest thriller or rom-com? If you’re looking for a book club you can join from the comfort of your sofa, you’re in the right place.
Welcome to The Motherload® Book Club!
Each month we’ll choose one book, and get together at 8.30pm on the first Monday of the following month, to chat about it on Facebook. There’s no pressure to do it every month, and there’s loads of other book-related chat on the group – you can join here now!
Our next read-along, to be discussed on Monday June 3rd at 8.30pm in The Motherload® Book Club is…
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The limits of fifteen-year-old Kambili’s world are defined by the high walls of her family estate and the dictates of her fanatically religious father. Her life is regulated by schedules: prayer, sleep, study, prayer.
When Nigeria is shaken by a military coup, Kambili’s father, involved mysteriously in the political crisis, sends her to live with her aunt. In this house, noisy and full of laughter, she discovers life and love – and a terrible, bruising secret deep within her family.
This extraordinary debut novel from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’, is about the blurred lines between the old gods and the new, childhood and adulthood, love and hatred – the grey spaces in which truths are revealed and real life is lived.
You can buy it here from Amazon for £5.40 paperback or get it on your Kindle for £4.49 straight away.
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