Letting your partner know that they are number one on your list is not always about the big gesture. The simple things will predominantly go down better. Long-lasting relationships build as time goes on. Getting to know each other, along with those little personality traits that make a person, will make a great foundation for lasting happiness.
Probably the most important is to listen, not just hear but listen. Listen actively and be a part of that listening experience, nod to agree, disagree, and be involved. Take on board what is being said and be proactive. Agreeing with everything said may be ok in the short term, but for a long-lasting relationship, both partners need to be involved. This also shows that one is thinking of the other.
Following on from listening actively. Ask not only how their day went, but about a particular situation or project that they had a problem with, is there anything that they need help with or advice. The simple act of asking them shows your partner that you support them and are there for them always.
Turn off
Mobile phones, tablets, and TVs seem to be with us permanently throughout the day. In line with listening, turn the phone, the tablet, and TV off, and show that they are the most important interaction you need.
Gifts should be what the other person would love to receive, not what the giver wants to give. If your partner is a great Harry Potter fan, make it related to that. If you want to do something a little more spontaneous, buy flowers online when there is no occasion to celebrate, and have them delivered to their workplace. A small gift wrapped up in something innocuous can really bring a smile to their face.
A note is a fantastic way to show you care. ‘I love you’ is nice, ‘I love you and prepared dinner’ is better. Leave them in the strangest places, in the food cupboard behind the cornflakes, in a pocket, purse, or wallet.
The person that is the chosen one to be with us for the rest of our lives should be the number one priority. There is a lot of talk about the honeymoon period; why should that ever end? Be creative, know what your partner wants and needs, and find ways to excite them. A day out at the beach or a picnic in a field, although simple, can show a lot more than a diamond ring. If your partner needs a night out with the boys or girls, show this is fine and do not impose your relationship on this free time.