8 Easy Hairstyles for Busy Moms

8 Easy Hairstyles for Busy Moms

If you are a very busy mom and literally have no time to fix your hair, you are not alone. Hundreds and thousands of moms out there have no time to do their hair the way they want because they have a toddler running around or a new baby in the house.

However,  it is time to let go of those excuses or reasons and take a good look at your hair. There is no need to do those elaborate hairstyles, and all you need to focus on is how you can create a stylish hairdo that can do wonders for your appearance. Just go through some cool hairstyles on this page that are so easy to follow and take so little time.

 Check out some of the most stylish hairstyles that can be done within a few minutes!

Make a  messy bun

The classic messy bun is indeed a savior, especially for the busy mothers out there. Gather the bottom half of the ponytail to make a bun and twist over with an elastic over to one side. Depending on how long and thick your hair is, you can repeat the steps. Use pins to mess up the bun a bit and give it a quick finishing spray.

Lazy curls within no time

If you have quality hair products for curls, you can create those curls fast and easy. Dampen your hair with a good quality conditioner and use curlers or small curling iron to curl up those strands. Use some spray wax on those wavy curls once they are done and scrunch the hair to get the right look.

Wear a headscarf

When everything else fails, the sure-shot solution for your hair woes is out to cover your hair with a headscarf. Take a large, square scarf that is soft and silky and fold it over so that it gets a band-like shape. Now, wear it around your head and keep the ends in front where you can tie them into a knot. Tuck in any loose ends and keep the whole scarf a little loose to get that perfect look.

A perfect ponytail

One of the most versatile hairstyles for outdoorsy moms is the good old ponytail. If you know the right tricks, you can make that perfect ponytail even if you don’t have much hair on the crown or have flat hair. Divide your hair into two sections and take them on one side to make a neat but lose braid or keep them loose to get that perfect look.

The half-up knot

Another easy and fast-to-make hairstyle for busy moms is the ever-popular half-up knot. Just take a section of hair from each side in the front and part down the hair to behind your ears. Hold all sections together at the back of your head, twist lightly, and tie them into a knot. Use bobby pins to keep the knot in place and tuck any ends under. What you get is a perfect little knot that is so easy and effortless to make.


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