If you, or anyone you know, needs help or support because they are suffering domestic abuse (which doesn’t need to be violent to be abusive; please see the link below for what domestic abuse is), please reach out. Isolation can significantly increase the risk of domestic abuse and for many the next few months will be a time of increased danger within their home.
Talking about domestic abuse and what is going on behind your front door can be terrifying. The fear of being hurt, the fear of the unknown, and the fear of what happens to your children can mean you will try to tolerate intolerable behaviour.
We’ve put together this post with links if you, or a loved one is in need of help.
“If you feel a situation is escalating, move yourself towards an exit and away from rooms that would confine you, and out of a kitchen where there may be more objects to cause you harm. Keep your mobile topped up and charged, and perhaps consider a concealed phone.”
(Women’s Aid)
You can:
• Phone the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247
• Contact Women’s Aid by using their Live Chat, Email and Forum support:
Click here for Women’s Aid
• Make a safety plan and practice escape with children safely.
Click here for a safety plan
• Contact a member of our team by using the ‘Secret’ message function on Messenger.
• Send a message to us via our FB page inbox: The Motherload inbox
• Google refuges and domestic abuse charities in your area that can help – be mindful that you may need to use ‘Private Mode’ on your phone to do so.
• Understand what domestic abuse is:
Women’s Aid: What is domestic abuse?
and how to spot it: