UPDATE: Happy April Fool’s Day from The Motherload!

The introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) is set to change how websites and organisations manage your data on an ongoing basis. The Motherload is required by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to ensure that our members (MOLOs), and their content (including posts, comments, and likes), is protected at all times. 

An Important Update for ALL Members

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. It addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. As part of our changes to protect you when you use The Motherload Facebook group, or our website, we must be able to verify that you are who you say you are. If we fail to comply with GDPR regulations, The Motherload could be subject to a fine of up to £20 million, and so we are taking this process very seriously. To ensure that we thoroughly achieve compliance, we are introducing #MOLOVerification. 

#MOLOVerification couldn’t be easier.

Every member of The Motherload will be required to meet with Kate Dyson, Founder, on a face-to-face call. This will take approximately 5 minutes in order for Kate to ascertain that your identity is legitimate, and she will ask you a series of three questions about posts on The Motherload that may include guidelines, topical conversations and/or our viral ‘hack’ posts that have entertained the world. You should ensure that you are prepared for your session by studying the guidelines and ethos in the pinned post, having a clear understanding of The Motherload’s policies and ensuring that you know our most popular posts thoroughly, including date, and time that the post was approved. Once you have achieved #MOLOVerification, you will be required to add either the badge, or profile picture overlay, to your Facebook profile and ensure that it is publicly viewable

Kate’s personal assistant, Daisy, will organise the calls and ensure that every MOLO is booked into a slot. In order to make this process as easy as possible, we would like you to select a date and time in the calendar below, and Daisy will contact you directly to organise how you would prefer to take the call – either by Skype, Google Hangout, Messenger or Facetime. The call MUST be conducted via video to eliminate the risk of ‘troll’ or duplicate accounts.

Book your #MOLOVerification session with Kate Dyson, below:

Note: Please ensure that you click on ‘April 2018’ and set the view to ‘Week’ in order to book a session. To book a timeslot, simply click into the calendar and add your name. Daisy will then contact you via Facebook messenger to arrange further. If you have any issues with booking a session, please email immediately for assistance.

The ICO has demanded that The Motherload is compliant for GDPR by the enforcement date of 25 May 2018. Therefore, Kate will be working tirelessly over the next 7 weeks to ensure that she meets as many of our 62,000 members before the deadline.

Important Details about the Programme

It’s important to book your session NOW. Anyone who hasn’t achieved #MOLOverification before 25 May 2018 will not be able to use The Motherload Facebook group until they have had their session with Kate, and their badge is clearly visible on their profile. We anticipate the entire programme taking 215 days, completing on 29 October 2018 at 5pm. This may require you to meet with Kate during the night as the deadline approaches, but don’t worry – it’s just five minutes, and Kate is happy to work around feed times etc.

We understand that some members may feel concerned about the verification process and so our moderators will be providing #MOLOVerification Study Sessions, starting on 3 April 2018. Study sessions will be held in groups of 10 MOLOs and last two hours, covering the main topics for revision and guidance on the verification process, and will cost £10 an hour. An ‘early bird offer’ of 50% discount on the hourly price will be available – check the group notices for further details and sign ups.

Further Information

Kate Dyson, Founder, will issue a personal message from 12 midday on the group to explain more, and when it is live, please click HERE to see. Should you have any immediate questions, please contact Daisy O’Farllop, PA to The Motherload Founder & AFD Coordinator, at who will be happy to help.

We appreciate your time and co-operation as we move towards a new dawn in data protection and ensuring your online safety.



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