How to Take Care of Yourself After Giving Birth

How to Take Care of Yourself After Giving Birth

Giving birth is a unique experience, but before you have had time to come to terms with the massive feat your body has just performed, it is time to go home and start caring for a tiny baby that depends on you for its every need. When you think of birth in this way, it is easy to see why you don’t feel at your best as a new mum. Yet, there is so much pressure to be the perfect parent and seamlessly make the transition from being carefree and independent to having dependents to look after. While the early days after giving birth are a crazy time, it is crucial to remember that this is an experience like no other. This means that there is no specific way you should feel and there is no pressure to be anything other than yourself. 

Taking care of yourself is vital after having a baby, but it will likely be way down your list of priorities. Of course, taking care of your baby goes without saying, but letting go of the additional pressures is a wise idea. There is no need to think about how you will ‘snap back’ into shape after giving birth like a celebrity, and there is also no need to feel pressurised by the other ‘perfect mums’ in the antenatal class WhatsApp group. Everybody is different, and focusing on your body’s recovery from birth is more important than what you look like and how many baby classes everyone else attends. Here are some of the ways that you can help take care of yourself after giving birth:

Keep Talking

Birth can be a traumatic experience, and unfortunately, some women are injured during the delivery of their babies. While this may not be a common occurrence, it is crucial to know what to do if it happens to you. Seeking medical attention for your injuries is vital. You may find it helpful to discuss what happened during the birth with specialist birth injury solicitors, especially if the damage is likely to be long-term. 

You may find it helpful to discuss how you feel with your partner or a friend. Talking can make it easier for you to process what has happened and decide how to deal with the situation and the next steps you would like to take to help with your recovery. You may also find it beneficial to see a local counsellor who specialises in birth trauma. Professional guidance can be especially welcome at this challenging time, so don’t be afraid to seek support.

Check-In With Yourself

If you have noticed some aches and pains that you are not sure are normal, then getting them checked is a good idea. While there may be nothing to worry about, it is better to put your mind at rest rather than playing them down and then feeling worse a few weeks from now. So, speak to your doctor or health visitor if anything is causing you discomfort or concern. 


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