On my 25th birthday I sat at the end of the bar of our local pub and got pissed on gin until I was sobbing into my glass ‘I am BRIDGET JONES and I am going to be Bridget foreverrrrrr‘. Eventually, one of my friends came and grabbed me and said ‘FFS, Kate, pull yourself together!’ and took me home to sleep off the 3 day hangover. Don’t judge me.
Funnily enough, this quiz just predicted that I am an ‘Emotional Crier’ which means that it’s the most accurate one I’ve ever found! So, as we open the wine and settle down for the evening, what kind of drunk are you?
P.S OBVS we don’t advocate pissy pants drunks now we are paragons of mum-virtue but neither do we advocate Judgey McJudges on our rare nights out. Don’t drink and drive. Drugs are for mugs. Etc.
P.P.S If you are anything like me some of these questions are definitely going to require your alter-ego answers. Your alter-ego being a young, free thing who isn’t sitting on the sofa on a Friday night.
Let’s do the QUIZZZZ! Tell us your results in the comments on the thread!
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