We’ve come across a few Sudocrem disasters in The Motherload® Facebook community but this one is our absolute favourite!
Karen Mee posted this photograph of her two year old daughter Amber and her “artwork” with the message:
Went into check on her and found this! Can’t believe how hard it was to get it off her.
Oh my gawd look at her little face! She looks so sorry, so cute and so totally and utterly daubed in Sudocrem!
The post went down a storm with our members, getting 1.6k comments and reactions in just a few hours with many MOLOs commenting that their kids had done the same thing:
Paulina said: My daughter did the same. Twice. The cream was all over her and the terrace. She had so much fun!! But not me!
Liv commented: My daughter did the same not long ago!
Stephanie posted: We had that experience over the weekend. I wondered why they were quiet. They trashed the front room and found it.
Clara wrote: Brings back memories with my daughter 13 years ago. Tip for hair: put washing up liquid on when it’s dry then wash out. I tried everything years ago till someone told me this. Good luck!
But for the most part the comments were:
OMG! That face!!!
Loads of MOLOs also said they kept coming back to look at the picture of Amber because it’s just so funny and adorable. We couldn’t agree more – her expression is absolutely priceless.
We asked Karen how on Amber’s Sudocrem adventure came about – and how long it took to clean up. She told us:
My husband had left the tub on her drawers. We call her ferret because she gets into everything! My husband was clever enough to know to use Fairy Liquid to get it off her, while I was cleaning her room. Good old team work. Took about a hour all in all!
So parents, the moral of this story is always keep your Sudocrem out of reach.
Image credit: Karen Mee/The Motherload®
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