The Great Motherload Bake Off

The Great Motherload Bake Off

Baking a cake is an intrinsic part of motherhood, whether it’s to celebrate a baby shower, a first birthday or whipping up a treat for a friend.

Here we celebrate the baking triumphs and disasters of The Motherload® Facebook group in honour of The Great British Bake Off final, 2016. Prepare to be awestruck by their showpiece creations…

Warning: Some cakes are of a slightly *ahem* gynaecological nature.

With thanks to:

Kayleigh Sutton, Georgie Croot, Mercy Canning (cake made by Natalie Cuozzo at Tea Cosy), Sophie Law, Abbie Fry, Charlotte Ward, Jill De Wys, Carrie Gallimore, Hayley Barnet, Libby Kearsley, Kerry Bertie, Louise Reece, Tara Morcos Hannah and Amy Mumford, for sharing their photos.

Alison McGarragh-Murphy

Alison McGarragh-Murphy writes and edits stuff for The Motherload, and is also a radio producer and broadcast journalist, a mum of two and a wife of one. Since becoming a mother she has (mostly) gladly swapped a busy social life of gigs, pubs, art galleries and museums for dancing in the kitchen, drinking on the sofa, finger painting and hanging out at the park. She talks incessantly about not having slept for five years. Follow Alison on Twitter @BertaFanta and on Facebook @ammblogs

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