The Motherload Book Club: How to be Happy

The Motherload Book Club: How to be Happy

Are you looking for an uplifting book to settle into this autumn? Have you been waiting for a great book suggestion to get back into reading? If you’ve been searching for a book club you can join from the comfort of your sofa, you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to The Motherload® Book Club!

Each month we’ll choose one book, and get together at 8.30pm on the first Monday of the following month, to chat about it on Facebook. There’s no pressure to do it every month, and there’s loads of other book-related chat on the group – you can join here now!

Our next read-along, to be discussed on Monday November 5th at 8.30pm in The Motherload® Book Club is…

How to be Happy by Eva Woods

Buy How to be Happy

Buy How to be Happy

Annie has been sad for so long that she’s forgotten how to be any other way. Until she meets Polly.

Polly is everything that Annie is not. She’s colourful, joyful, happy. Because if recent events have taught Polly anything, it’s that your time is too short to waste a single day.

Polly has one hundred days to help Annie find happiness. Annie’s convinced it’s impossible, but so is saying no to Polly. And on an unforgettable journey, Annie begins to realise that maybe, just maybe, there’s still colour to be found in the world.

But then it becomes clear that Polly’s about to need her new friend more than ever…and Annie will have to decide once and for all whether letting others in is a risk worth taking.

You can buy it here from Amazon for £4.79 paperback or get it on your Kindle for £2.99 straight away.

Disclaimer: contains Amazon affiliate link, each purchase results in a teeny tiny sum of money going to The Motherload®® which we use for the upkeep of the site.


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