The Motherload is delighted to bring you the first ever episode of The Offload, our weekly topical vlog! Meet us, Kate Dyson and Gillian Richardson as we introduce ourselves, our kids, our chins, battles with poo-patties and S.E.X. (er.. what even is THAT? No idea.) And yes, it’s lo-fi. We are mums and use our spare time usually for drinking neat gin.
With a new ‘topic’ every week, we’ll be discussing the highs and lows of parenting, womanhood, motherhood, wifehood, being in the hood (that’s a mum-joke) and answering any questions that you specifically need resolving. Let us know what you want us to discuss – there’s literally no limits. Well, some. But not a lot.
(EDITORS NOTE: Subtitles to follow, apologies. We are just working out how to put them on… )
About Kate Dyson & Gillian Richardson
Kate is the Founder of The Motherload. Wife, mum to two girls, two cats and shit loads of washing in baskets that sit around the house waiting to be ironed. It never happens. Hater of exercise, denier of weight gain, lover of wine. Feminist. You can follow me on Twitter.
Gillian is a Mummy to two girls, wife to one husband. Freelance Journalist the rest of the time. Secretly wishes she was CJ Cregg and lived in the West Wing Universe. Atheist, feminist and general lover of gossip.