Trials You Will Struggle With When Starting A Business As A Mom

Trials You Will Struggle With When Starting A Business As A Mom

When it comes to running a business as a mom, there are so many things that you need to know. But, the most important thing is that it’s not going to be easy. It’s not easy to start a business when you’re not a mom, when you’re not responsible for other people besides yourself, but when you add that in, it gets even more difficult. If that puts you off though, then you’re not ready for the challenge anyway and you should think about this again in a few years when things calm down.

If it doesn’t put you off, then you might just have a chance of seeing success. The good news is that we’re going to be talking through some of the common struggles you will face so that hopefully you are more prepared in the future. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Getting Up And Running

One of the things that you are going to struggle with most is getting your business up and running. It’s hard to do this, and 80% of businesses fail within their first year because they simply cannot keep up with what is going on. We know that this is a scary number, but you want to find yourself in that 20%? Then you need to work for it.

Getting your business up and running is going to take a lot of work, so you have to be able to dedicate any free time you might have to making this happen. You might not have a lot of it, so it might take a little longer than other businesses to achieve, but it’s not about how long it takes, it’s about how well you are doing it.

If you can dedicate yourself to this during your free time, then you should be able to see at least some level of success. You need to get your website up, and set up your social media pages first, as this will help you to see the success you are hoping for.

Funding The Business

The next trial that you are going to face is funding your business. If you are going to be offering a product or a service, you’re going to need money for supplies, marketing materials, money to pay any employees you have, a business space and so much more. It’s very uncommon for people to fund their own businesses seeing as they don’t have this level of money, and instead they choose to either get a loan from the bank or find an investor. We know that some people try crowdsourcing, but this isn’t exactly a stable option.

You have to find the funding option that suits you the best. For some people, they would prefer to owe the bank money and not give up any of their business. Others would prefer to have someone on their side, and give up a tiny portion of it. It’s about what you can live with, and what you think makes most sense for you.

Dedicating The Right Time

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We’ve already briefly touched on the fact that you’re going to need to dedicate a lot of time to getting your business going, and keeping it going once you have achieved this. When you are a mom, there are a lot of different things that you need to do. You have to make sure that your kids are looked after, clean, fed, that the house is taken care of and so much more, while also looking after yourself.

You need to really ask yourself whether or not you think you are going to be able to achieve success as a business woman at the present time. If you do, then that’s great and we’re happy for you, crack on! If you don’t though, that’s okay. You can wait a little while until you have some more time to dedicate to a new business. It’s not the end of the world, nor is it the end of your plans, they are just on hold.

Marketing Materials 

Even some seasoned businesses still have trouble with this one as they don’t take it seriously enough. Marketing is one of those essential parts of businesses that some people still feel the need to argue about, but we’re not entirely sure why. Marketing has a lot of clear benefits for your business, with the main one being that it brings new people to you, which is the goal, right?

But, creating those marketing materials, getting the campaign up and running and generally keeping up with this can be a nightmare. You have to try and keep on top of all of the latest marketing trends, you have to update social media regularly, you have to come up with new and exciting materials to entice people, and it’s a lot for one person. Even if you were solely focused on marketing it’s a lot for one person but you also have the rest of your business to run.

It’s best if you partner with a marketing company that can really help you here, as they may be able to guide you in the right direction. Yes, it’s more money, but yes, it’s helpful. They will know the best types of marketing for you to focus on for your business, they will know which online printer to work with over the others, and they will have information you didn’t even know you needed. Marketing is essential, and though it will be a trial for you, trials were created to be won.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a more solid understanding of some of the trials that you may struggle with when starting a business as a mom. It’s not going to be easy to get this up and running, and it’s not going to be easy to maintain it from there, but if this is what you want, then don’t let anyone stand in your way, least of all you. It can be done, you just need to try.


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