When Laura Bridle went to change her 8 month old baby’s nappy in her local library, she was probably expecting to to discover a poo, and maybe get a smile, but what she actually found was slightly more fabulous: an uplifting note, and a bar of chocolate. Could it be any more #BeMoreMOLO?
Laura posted these photos in The Motherload Facebook community, and was totally chuffed with the random act of kindness which she had stumbled upon in Berkhamsted library, Hertfordshire:
Today I found this hidden in the changing table at our local library – what a true MOLO – made my day x
The envelope said “For a mum: open me!” and inside was a card printed with “You are a whole lot of wonderful” and the handwritten message read “I hope you already know this, but you are doing a REMARKABLE job. Looking after a kid is hard, but you keep turning up. Well done!” With the card was a bar of chocolate, wrapped in gift ribbon. Everyone knows mums love chocolate…
The MOLOs loved it – at the last count the post was liked by 2.1k of our members, with many saying they planned to do a similar random act of kindness:
Nicola: We should start a MOLO movement doing this!
Carly: I am SO going to do this, need to involve myself (and my little ones) more in RAOKs
Emily: I reckon we should defo start this…. maybe on the envelope of the card we can write #themotherload #roak
Gemma: OMG I’m due on and this has just made me cry for the third time today. How amazing!
Debbie: Awwww how lovely! A pass it forward, mum to mum
We spoke to Laura about how this had made her feel – she told us:
“My little girl is 8 months old and I’m a first time mum. She only naps in the daytime in the buggy so we spend a lot of time out and about. On Wednesday we were heading to a music class but stopped at the library for an emergency nappy change. We are moving next week so I’ve not felt like the best mum lately, passing her onto other people as much as possible so I can pack or playing “let’s let mummy pack the crockery”, so finding the note was really lovely. At first I thought someone had left a letter there by accident, and then I thought it might be an advert or something, so it was a really pleasant surprise to find a heartfelt note with no strings attached. And the chocolate was a bonus! I felt a little bit guilty taking it as I had a really tough time early on (my daughter was a very “spirited” newborn) and things are so much better now, so a part of me felt like I should leave it for a mum who needed it more, but I’d opened it by then so I decided to just resolve to pay it forward and leave a similar package on another changing table one day.”
Laura: you totally earned this – so glad you want to pass on the love.
So, random chocolate-giver in Berkhamsted, you’ve just inspired a whole load of MOLOs to do similar acts of kindness – we salute you for your truly #BeMoreMOLO act! If you want to reveal your identity, you can email hello@the-motherload.co.uk – we’d love to hear from you.
Like this? Share it and spread the MOLO love! We love the acts of kindness from our MOLOs so much that we’ve set up a #BeMoreMOLO area for them on our website, or for the latest from our bloggers, head to The Motherload homepage
About Alison McGarragh-Murphy
Alison is the Editor of The Motherload, and is also a radio producer and broadcast journalist, a mum of two and a wife of one. Since becoming a mother she has (mostly) gladly swapped a busy social life of gigs, pubs, art galleries and museums for dancing in the kitchen, drinking on the sofa, finger painting and hanging out at the park. She talks incessantly about not having slept for four and a half years.
You can follow Alison on Twitter and find all her blogs on Facebook