I Wish it Was Me

I Wish it Was Me

My baby girl isn’t a baby any more – she’ll be two next month and I can’t believe how much she’s changed in these past few months.

Her vocabulary is brilliant, she’s putting together three or four word sentences and understands everything we say. She also repeats everything we say so we have to be so careful now! Isla is great with colours and numbers, even if she does tell us every colour we show her is red sometimes, and sometimes her number sequence goes 1,2,3,5,8! She loves animals too and will happily tell us the names and sounds of every animal we see. Her social skills are pretty great too, she’s very friendly with anyone she sees and will shout “hello!” at anyone who stops to see her, and she’s really good at sharing her toys.

But honestly, this isn’t just a brag about how proud I am of my beautiful, cheeky daughter. It’s about how sad I am that all the credit for my little girl’s development isn’t down to me, it’s down to the lovely ladies at her nursery.

As we work full time, Isla is in nursery all day, from Monday to Friday, and I’m well aware that all of her skills and development is due to the amazing care she receives at nursery. After all, they’re the ones who are with her full time. We do our best to offer her as much of a well-rounded, fun and educational environment when we’re together at home, but I’m all too aware that her teachers at nursery have worked wonders with her, and I wish it was me.

As we don’t see much of her grandparents due to living so far away from our families, every time we see them they gush at how well she’s doing, and I feel bad that I can’t say I’m the one who’s taught her to count or that cows say “moooo”. I know I would have done my best, but had I been a stay at home mum, I’m sure I wouldn’t have done as good a job with her as her teachers have.

And while I know it can’t be helped, because we have to work, I just wish I could be the one to teach Isla the alphabet, and how to count. But I take my hat off to the lovely ladies at nursery for being so wonderful with my baby girl.

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About Rachel Armitage

I spend my working day writing, then my spare time with my redheaded beauty and attempting to blog, drink wine and eat chocolate. You can follow my blog and find me on Twitter


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