I may have stolen the idea for this post from The Last Leg but I think it definitely applies to parenting. Tell me these things aren’t just me?
Is it OK to give your kid an orange after breakfast, lunch and tea because you have nothing else in? It’s fruit at least, right?
Is it OK to want to eat those squishy little cheeks and kiss them constantly?
Is it OK to walk away from a toddler tantrum and angrily whisper “for fuck sake!”
Is it OK to secretly want everything from Smiggle for yourself? Wish my pencil case was that cool when I was a kid. Although I did enjoy browsing the shelves in Woolworths to find mine back in the day.
After a particularly long and frustrating day with the kids, is it OK to give them a frozen pizza for tea because you don’t have energy to lovingly prepare something nutritionally balanced?
Is it OK to not take your 3 year old trick or treating for Halloween because you don’t want to waste money on an outfit that he’ll wear once?
Is it OK to get pissed off reading the same book over and over again? I love The Gruffalo, I really do, but I could recite it in my sleep.
Is it OK that I kind of want my daughter’s wardrobe in adult sizes? She is far better dressed than I am!
Is it OK that I really enjoy it when the kids nap?
Is it OK to get excited when a new series of the kids’ favourite TV show comes on so you don’t have to keep watching the same ones over and over? And is it OK to sometimes want to punch Peppa Pig in the face?
Is it OK to leave the kid in a wet nappy for a bit longer because you just can’t face the wrestling match yet?
Is it OK to really crave a gin at the end of the day?
Is it OK to want a heated clothes airer for Christmas because it would it would make your life so much easier?
Is it OK to feel the pressure that you’re the number one person in your children’s lives and they depend on you for so much?
Is it OK okay to love that you’re the number one person in their lives? (When he tells you you’re his best friend or they come in for a cuddle because they just want some love – it’s the best)
Is it OK to feel relieved, happy and honestly content that you’ve decided not to have any more kids? Three is more than enough and I really don’t want to go through labour. Ever. Again.
Like this? Then you’ll love Liz’s last blog for The Motherload about becoming mumsy – read it here
About Liz
I’m Liz and I’m a stay at home mum of three tiny humans. I write a blog called Mum Still Standing about the disasters and triumphs of our lives and tough as it can be – I’m still standing…just!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MumStillStanding
Blog: mumstillstanding.blogspot.co.uk
Twitter: @mumstillstandin