The Motherload Guide: Top 5 Highchairs


Oh highchairs… so ubiquitous and yet so impossibly different.   There are literally hundreds of them available, so it’s no shock that it took us two full months to decide on ours.

We visited three different Mothercare stores, John Lewis, two local baby supply shops and innumerable other places, crow-barring the unwilling child into seats that dwarfed his teeny bottom and yet still were too tight across his paunch.  The variety was just baffling.  Did we need one with a small footprint or one that folded up?  Did we need one that reclined?  That swivelled?  That did cartwheels?

I kept saying to my ever-patient life partner, “I mean, I like it, but how do you KNOW?!”

Because seriously, until you get it home and live with it for 6 months, how do you KNOW?  I mean really KNOW that this is the right highchair for you?  That baby will sit in happily for at least 3 minutes without garroting themselves or doing a bungee dive out of it?  That it will be easy to clean and 100% stain proof??

Well, to shortcut that unnecessary drama, we asked 100 MOLOs* from The Motherload Facebook group would you recommend your highchair and (drumroll please…) here are the results:

1. IKEA Antilop

This totally swept the board with over 2 thirds of the popular vote.  We love everything about this £13 beauty… easy to clean, easy to take apart, easy to transport, detachable tray, no creases for food to hide in, if it gets really manky you can shove it in the dishwasher (or the shower!)… what more can you say?  Oh yeah, IT’S THIRTEEN POUNDS! 13!! One-three! Let’s get one for every room.

Highchair with tray ANTILOP

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2. Stokke Tripp Trapp

Very on-trend with its Scandi stylings, our MOLOs loved its looks, comfort levels and the fact that baby sits at the table with you, with no fiddly tray getting in the way.  Praised for it’s durability – you can use it from weaning right through to teenager-hood, just by adjusting the configuration.  One MOLO has 3 for her 14 year old, 12 year old and 2 year old.  That sounds like value for money to me!  (see also the Hauck)

Stokke® Tripp Trapp® Chair Mothercare

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 3. The OXO Tot Sprout

Very much the Mercedes Benz of the highchair world, this pricier beauty will make any dining room look classy.  MOLOs love the build quality, the ease of cleaning (the flat seat cushions simply Velcro off), and the fact that it grows with your child right through to toddlerhood.  The hygienic removable plastic tray also scored MOLO points. But hold your breath when you’re buying it… the £££s that will ring up on the till are not for the faint-hearted!

OXO Tot Sprout Highchair John Lewis

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4. Chicco Polly

Height adjustable, reasonably easy to clean, reclinable, pop off tray, gorgeous patterns, and so comfy baby could sit in it all day!  In the interest of balance thought, some MOLOs found the Polly a little cumbersome, space-hungry and tricky to clean, but it still rated highly despite that.

Chicco Polly Highchair - Chakra

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5. Mountain Buggy Pod / Mamas & Papas Baby Bud

Joint 5th place for these two alternative highchair options.  Great space-savers and super easy to travel with, the Mountain Buggy attaches directly to the table with screws, whilst the Baby Bud sits on-top of an existing chair.  Great for small homes or for leaving at the grandparents.  Both are suitable from 6 months to around 3 years.

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*well, we asked all the MOLOs and 100** replied… same thing?

**actually, it was 95

Looking for baby sling recommendations? They’re right here

About Heather

Heather Davies-Mahoney is a radio producer, who can’t help producing in her spare time too. So far she has produced a marriage, a mortgage, a mini-me and a mountain of possety muslins. In her NCT group she is the instigator of Boobs & Boxsets afternoons.

Twitter: @heatherrhian


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