Now All You Need Is A Man…

Now All You Need Is A Man…

I’ll try carefully to strike a balance here; I don’t want to come across as a bitter old cow or a man-hating, triggered snowflake, but come on. It’s the twenty-first century, and more times than I care to mention now,…
In Praise of Dorias Everywhere

In Praise of Dorias Everywhere

Like 1.9 billion viewers around the globe, I too watched the Royal Wedding. I had promised myself that I’d do something more productive with my Saturday morning but one glimpse of David Beckham in his tux and I was hooked.…
Being a Single Mum

Being a Single Mum

I've had to struggle with the grief of losing a relationship that I thought would last forever. My dreams about how my marriage would be, what my family would look like.