February Readalong: Degrees of Guilt


Have you forgotten what it feels like to read for pleasure? Do you walk into a bookshop and feel overwhelmed at the choice? If you’re looking for a friendly group to chat about all things reading and get some great book recommendations, you’ve come to the right place!

Welcome to The Motherload Book Club!

Each month we’ll choose one book, and get together at 8.30pm on the first Monday of the following month, to chat about it on Facebook. There’s no pressure to do it every month, and there’s loads of other book-related chat on the group – you can join here now!

Our next read-along, to be discussed on Monday March 2nd at 8.30pm in The Motherload® Book Club is…

Degrees of Guilt by HS Chandler

Buy Degrees of Guilt

Buy Degrees of Guilt

When you read this book, you will think you know every twist in the tale.

Maria is on trial for attempted murder.

She has confessed to the crime and wanted her husband dead.

Lottie is on the jury, trying to decide her fate.

She embarks on an illicit affair with a stranger, and her husband can never find out.

You will think you know who is guilty and who is innocent.

You will be wrong. 

You can buy it here from Amazon for £5.75  paperback or get it on your Kindle for £3.99 straight away.

Disclaimer: contains Amazon affiliate link, each purchase results in a teeny tiny sum of money going to The Motherload® which we use for the upkeep of the site.


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