When you set up your business, you will need to make sure that you are creating a website that is connected to your brand. A website is often going to be the home point of your business online. It is also typically the first impression that customers receive of your business. So, it makes sense that you need to hit the right marks here. Here are some elements of an incredible business website that you can’t overlook.
Technical Elements
First, you need to think about the technical elements of your business website. One example of this would be the speed of your website. Ideally, you need to make sure that it takes no more than a few seconds to load a page on your website. If it does, then you can guarantee that your customers are going to get bored and click away.
One of the ways that you can fix this is by making sure that you do think about investing in the right hosting service. A better hosting service will immediately ensure that your site loads and responds at higher speeds.
In the world of marketing content is still king. So, it should come as no surprise that this is a vital element of your business website. You need to make sure that you think about the overall content as well as ensure that the individual pieces are up to the right quality level.
A key element to think about here would be your photographs. If you are taking your own photographs you should use the long exposure iPhone setting to ensure that they look beautiful and professional. You might also want to use freelancers to ensure that fresh content is added to your website on a daily basis.
It’s important to get the design of your website right from day one. Remember, this site is again the first impression that customers will receive of your company. It does need to be on point. One of the possibilities that you can explore here will be hiring a professional web designer. This is often a better option compared with potentially using a template. Templates are cheap and cheerful but the price means that anyone can access them. So, this means that all the websites end up looking exactly the same. As such, it becomes very difficult to ensure yours stands out.
Next, you should think about the structure of your website. The right website structure will ensure that customers don’t get lost when they are thinking about buying a product or ordering a service from your business. Ideally, you need to make sure that you think about guaranteeing that your site has a three click rule.
This means that a customer should never be more than three clicks away from what they are searching for on your website. You can achieve this with the right links. However, these do need to look natural. Otherwise, you might have issues with SEO levels on the site.
SEO is a massive umbrella term so don’t worry too much if you are unsure of all the elements. The fact is that there are hundreds of ways these days to optimise your site. We’ve gone far beyond the days of keywords and links.
If you are interested in optimizing your business website, you need to make sure that you do think about using a professional service or solution. This can avoid you falling into the traps that might lead you to being hit with a Google penalty somewhere down the road.
Landing Pages
Finally, you should think about creating landing pages for your business website. The right landing pages will guarantee that your website feels far more personalised and accessible. It will ensure that there is a page that matches whatever search term of keyword a customer started with when they searched for your company online. When you are creating landing pages, you need to make sure that you think about elements such as photographs. This will guarantee that your pages look appealing and are create for conversions.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key elements of an incredible business website. If you hit the right marks here, then you will be able to guarantee that you have a website that does convert customers and delivers the return on investment that you hoped for. A website is never going to cost you nothing in terms of set up. So, it is important to make sure that you do make the decisions that are going to pay off for you in the long term.