Choking: Would You Know What To Do?

Baby choking first aid

Choking has to be every parent’s worst fear. It can feel like every week brings a new story of how a child has passed away as a result of choking on a grape, or an object that they have found in the home.

Farah Hulkorey, from Daisy First Aid, joined Kate and The Motherload members to demonstrate what to do in the event of choking, and also discussed other household risk and poisons to look out for. Watch the video below:
This Video Could Save Your Baby’s Life. Watch Now.

Great Tips For The Home

From grapes and cherry tomatoes, to pills and household cleaning items, there are so many hazards that can cause choking for young children. We especially liked Farah’s tip to get down on your hands and knees, and crawl around the areas your child will frequent. This will help you to view the room on their level, and remove objects that adults don’t usually notice. Don’t forget to check under the sofa!

There’s also some handy tips on storing medicines and cleaning fluids when you have little ones around. Who would have thought to store nappy sacks out of the reach of little fingers? Such a great tip that we’ll be making sure we take note of!

Share with your network

We felt that the Facebook Live was such an important topic that we wanted to provide it for all, here on the website, so you can share it with your friends and family so that they too will know what to do, in the event of choking.

Please note subtitles are available for this video – click on ‘CC’ on the video and they’ll appear.

Find out more…

You can find out more about Daisy First Aid and their courses here:

Follow Farah on Instagram: @farah_daisyfirstaid

For more helpful hints and tips from The Motherload, be sure to check out our hacks, here.


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