On Your First Day of School

On Your First Day of School

Hello my beautiful boy,

Today is the day you start school.  It’s exciting and nerve-wracking for you, and definitely the same for me.  Will you make friends quickly? What will your teacher be like? Will you like school?

I’ve waited so long for this day, and yet it feels like only yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time.  So much has happened over the last 4-and a bit years, and you have taken it all in your stride.  School is just another thing.  I know you will love it.  I know you will thrive.  It’s clear to see how much you love learning and your thirst for knowledge is almost unquenchable – yes, you ask a LOT of questions!

Your daddy and I want so much for you as you grow, but most of all we want you to be happy.  School is just another step on the great journey of life, but it is one that will have a huge impact on your childhood and formative years.  School will help shape the man you are to become.  Your teachers will play an important role in your life, and I hope they understand the influence they will have on you (I’m sure they do).

There are lots of things I wish for you as you are starting out.  They are best summed up by a song I sang to you when you were a baby.

‘May sunshine and happiness surround you when you’re far from home.
May you grow to be proud, dignified and true.
And do unto others as you’d have done to you.
Be courageous and be brave…

And when you finally fly away I’ll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime, no-one can ever tell.
But whatever road you choose,
I’m right behind you, win or lose’

Be brave little man.



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About Wendy

Outnumbered. Wife to one man. Mother of two boys. Owner (slave) of one cat. Sales Account Executive.  Football nut. Follower of cricket and occasionally golf. Lover of American TV dramas. Once avid reader, now occasional peruser of books I’d love to read. You can follow me on Twitter

Lyrics written by Jim Cregan, Kevin Savigar, Bob Dylan and Rod Stewart


Outnumbered. Wife to one man. Mother of two boys. Owner (slave) of one cat. Sales Account Executive. Football nut. Follower of cricket and occasionally golf. Lover of American TV dramas. Once an avid reader, now occasional peruser of books I’d love to read. You can follow me on Twitter @MadnessofMummy

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