My Child Is Starting School – And So Am I

My Child Is Starting School – And So Am I

My four year old, my eldest child, Finley, is starting school in a matter of weeks. Most of the time I’m okay about this. I know he’s ready for it, he loves pre-school and he’s so clever and curious about things that I think it’s going to be wonderful for him. I’m not worried about how he’ll cope at all. But I am emotional because my little lad is grown up enough already to start school and I’m pretty nervous because it feels like I’m starting school too.

This a new chapter in his life but a new chapter in mine too. I’m going to be a school mum.

We went to an evening for the parents to find out all the information like what class he’s going to be in (Fox class, and all I can think about is the film You’ve Got Mail where the little boy is spelling his surname, F-O-X. Cute!), who his teacher is, where we buy the uniform from and generally how things work. We were there with all the other parents who will have children starting at the same time as Finley and I couldn’t help but look around the room and think – these are the faces that I’m going to be seeing every day for the foreseeable future. These are my new class mates.

I’m nervous about things for myself just as I am for Finley like making new school mum friends, about who will talk to me in the playground. Will I get embarrassed if I do the wrong thing? Get the non-uniform day wrong? Forget his lunch? Be the mum who forgets his coat on a rainy day. These are all genuine possibilities as my mum-brain is dreadful.

I’m having to prepare everything and learn what to do just as he will. What do I buy? How many pairs of school trousers will he need? Where exactly do I drop him off on the first day and at what exact time, I mean, I know when the bell rings but do people get there earlier? I don’t know, I’m new to this! And if you can’t tell, I’m panicking a bit.

With him going to school it’s also going to change the dynamic at home for our two other children. Louis, my two year old, at the moment is quite a difficult child. My hope is that he will be calmer and nicer to be around without his brother to fight with. It may be wishful thinking but here’s hoping. My one year old, Ivy, currently has a nap right around school pick-up time. That’s going to have to change. How much is our daily routine going to alter let alone bigger things like holidays now we are bound to school term times. And don’t get me started on how this will affect our finances too – damn term time price hikes!

I know after a short time, all of this will feel normal and not as colossal as it does right now but I’ve never been good at the unknown and this all too overwhelming right now. It gets easier right? Please tell me it does…

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About Liz

I’m Liz and I’m a stay at home mum of three tiny humans. I write a blog called Mum Still Standing about the disasters and triumphs of our lives and tough as it can be – I’m still standing…just!

You can find me on Facebook, have a look at my blog and follow me on Twitter

Image credit: Liz Stout


Liz is Mum to three small kids with a very small age gap. She enjoys drinking lots of wine to keep her sane, and writing an honest account of the disasters and triumphs in their lives on her blog Mum Still Standing.

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