Liz is Mum to three small kids with a very small age gap. She enjoys drinking lots of wine to keep her sane, and writing an honest account of the disasters and triumphs in their lives on her blog Mum Still Standing.
As truly heart-breaking as losing a baby is, without that I wouldn’t have the child I have now. Without the challenges I’ve faced in having step children or an unplanned baby, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
We’ve done sticker charts for potty training and eating with a knife and fork. I keep snacks in my bag when we go out and if he’s good he knows he can have one and our latest bribe is money.
Is it OK to get excited when a new series of the kids' favourite TV show comes on so you don’t have to keep watching the same ones over and over? And is it OK to sometimes want to punch Peppa Pig in the face?
If a film director was going to cast a typical mum I’m afraid to say I completely fit that bill, only I’d be the crazier, frazzled one with more kids than sense.
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