“What’s that you say? It’s Father’s Day this Sunday?!!!! Shhhhhiiiiiiiittttttttttttt!” If like me, and probably countless other mothers across the UK, you’ve forgotten all about Father’s Day and have done sweet FA about it, I’m presenting my last minute Father’s Day gift ideas to help you pull this one out of the bag. And you don’t even have to wait for the postman, just print and handover… or better yet, write it down on your handmade card!
The DIY Card
There’s nothing more endearing than a hand-drawn father’s day card, right? If your little ones are old enough to hold a pen, set them to work! Toddler artistry may not be all that accomplished but he’ll have to at least feign astonishment and gratitude because his precious little one put all that effort in, JUST FOR HIM… he doesn’t need to know you pulled some untitled scrawl from the pile (in the recycling) and labelled it “I love Daddy” does he?
The Playlist / Spotify Subscription
If you’re one of these techy-type families you could always share a Spotify playlist of your favourite tracks while pregnant or pre-baby. Throw in a Spotify Premium subscription (if you don’t already have one) – on special offer at 99p for three months, then £9.99 after – and you’ve got yourself a bloody good gift.
For the low-fi among us, make a playlist on iTunes and burn it to a CD or a USB key, if you have one lying around. Otherwise you’ll have to go full ’90’s and sit in your bedroom “listening to music”.
Netflix and Chill*
OK so probably more Netflix and less ‘Chill’ here (although that’s a gift that always goes down well!) If you don’t already have a Netflix subscription then it’s the perfect time to “treat” papa and get involved. You get a free month and you can add multiple users to your account so you, papa and the kids can all have separate spaces to watch your chosen shows and movies. The premium service allows up to 4 users to be watching at the same time and the basic service is just one – but if you can’t stretch to the subscription just do the trial and treat yourself to a month’s worth of binge-watching and free blockbusters – you can cancel at anytime.
*Apparently the youth are using ‘Netflix & Chill’ as a euphemism these days… I know, I’m so down the kids!
The oldest trick in the book: A series of handwritten promises or favours that he can cash in at any time. Good for treats such as lie-in, breakfast in bed, uninterrupted football game watching, steak dinner, blow job, if you’re feeling REALLY generous.
Another freebie app, Lifecake allows you to share your family snaps and stories with a very select audience. It’s perfect for families that live far apart and you can set permissions so that granny and grandad, aunts and uncles can also add photos of your little one to The Cake too. Set it up and invite him then he’ll get notifications as you add new pics without you having to share them to social media or less secure sharing sites. It even has a shake/time travel function to relive those past moments. Plus you can turn it all into a photo book whenever you like.
Cooked Breakfast / Steak Dinner
This one is pretty easily achieved with a quick dash down to the supermarket. And it’s always sweeter as a surprise!
Happy Father’s Day!
Comment: What are your top tips for last minute father’s day gifts?
About Anna-Belle
Anna-Belle, 35, is a writer, editor and entrepreneur, loves to drink nice wine, eat (and occasionally cook) really interesting, delicious food and the odd dirty burger, leave half-drunk cups of tea around the place and go surfing or snowboarding about once a year to make herself feel cool again
Oh! And she’s a mum to two gorgeous children: Jacques (2015) an Alethea (2012), and wife to Chuck (1983).