Rebecca is an American living in England. A mother of twin boys, she used to enjoy baking and gigs but now spends most of her time singing nursery rhymes and answering the same damn questions from strangers over and over again. She is a part-time secondary school English teacher. You can read more from Rebecca at and follow her on Instagram at this_twin_life.
On the walk home from the school run on World Book Day, I felt a deep sense of relief. Despite having had to make a few stops on the way to shove stuffing back into my son’s Supertato costume, both…
The Birmingham Sea Life Centre is fabulous. It takes visitors on a twisting uphill path through a vast, open main space and into darkened rooms with a range of different underwater species. My twin boys, just over two at the…
I remember watching Will and Kate’s wedding on a sunny day seven years ago. Every bit of it seemed to be the quintessential royal wedding: a regal prince, a beautiful princess, a gaggle of adorable bridesmaids, a stunning setting and…
I plan to get rid of them when the boys are two, and until then I’d like to limit their use to when they are asleep. Excuse me while I laugh heartily at that idea.
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