Poonami (noun) [Poo-nah-mee] Definition: A monumental infant bowel movement of such quantity and consistency that no nappy stands a chance of containing it, resulting in a disastrous mess. Before having a baby, I was blissfully unaware; I’d never even…
I am Mother, or as I prefer: Batman. That’s me. Unlike other superheroes I have no superpowers. I'm just moody and broody. Caring for my bats full time...
The other day, I was in the supermarket when I came across a greetings card which said: “Sometimes, when I open my mouth, my mother comes out!” I know the feeling...
WHY is an orange dungaree-clad rabbit being looked after by a little knitted ant toy, who sounds like a kindly old granddad? Who comes up with this madness?
I can pinpoint the exact moment I realised Second Child Syndrome was real. My second boy was five months old and I’d just wiped his nose with his big brother’s dirty sock...
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