Beware The Mumsplainers!

Beware The Mumsplainers!

When we first heard the term "Mansplaining" last year, we sighed with relief that there was finally a word for the infuriating experience of hearing a man over-explain something to a woman in the most condescending way imaginable. A victory…
Dyslexia and Us

Dyslexia and Us

When my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia at six-years-old, I wish I’d known the roller-coaster we were embarking on would take us upwards, more often than down. She’s now half way through her GCSEs and her predicted grades are excellent.…
The Problem With Mindfulness

The Problem With Mindfulness

We had the joyful experience of a mad dash to the children's hospital recently. Obviously I won't go into details, but everything is fine now, except for the fact that I'm pretty sure I've got a few more grey hairs…