Losing it in Lockdown

Losing it in Lockdown

We are now four weeks into lockdown and tensions are running high. My shredded sanity is entirely my own fault and I know that because I have been told, repeatedly. I’m in lockdown with my husband and our 2 girls.…
Down The Screen Time Rabbit Hole

Down The Screen Time Rabbit Hole

My eleven-year-old’s face once shone with bright ideas and a willingness to engage with the world around her. Now, if I see her face at all, it’s illuminated with an eerie fluorescent glow... She got a mobile phone for her…
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

Is it anti-feminist, or victim-blaming to worry about your teenage daughter wearing revealing clothes? I ask, because I posed a question on The Motherload Facebook group which sparked a debate which made me question myself and my attitudes.  I was…
Chalk and Cheese

Chalk and Cheese

How Can my Girls be so Different? ‘It’s another girl,’ said the male sonographer at our twenty-two-week scan, ‘sorry.’ Ignoring the last comment (that’s a whole other article), I remember being delighted that our second, and definitely last, child was…
After School Clubbing

After School Clubbing

When my youngest was tiny I used to watch the Children’s TV Presenters on CBeebies with their nuclear-grade smiles and neon clothes and want to weep on their behalf. I knew how they felt on a Saturday morning when they’d…
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

My name is Lisa. I was perfectly happy about that until I opened a Drama School in my early 30’s and every fourth mother enrolling their child was called Lisa too. It was then I realised that my name gave…