Realising White Privilege

Realising White Privilege

Watching the evening news, people witness another awful killing and see the Anti-Racism protests, feeling sympathy with the cause.  They see the pain and the hurt and feel sorry that these tragic things happen in the world, and then settle…
How to be an Anti-Racist Family

How to be an Anti-Racist Family

Racism is part of everyone's history.  Racism is everyone's business. Racism should not be our future. Yet racism is clearly our present.  Whatever our background, we have a role to play to make a change for our children's futures: we…
Kids and Food

Kids and Food

Before motherhood, I thought that my future kids would never be fussy eaters.  They'd eat a wide range of delicious healthy food and inherit my love of good wholesome real food.  I imagined flying jet spoons in to land on…