Boys Love Frozen 2

Boys Love Frozen 2

I am a huge Disney fan and naturally I was excited for the latest film from Disney. The weekend that Disney's Frozen 2 was released to cinemas (almost) worldwide, I was in Madrid with my children. We had just spotted the…
Don't Mention the C Word

Don’t Mention the C Word

It’s only the start of December but already the trees are glowing and Mariah Carey is on repeat in every shop you enter. Now I’m no Scrooge (I love presents) but these premature exaltations are tantamount to torture for any…
Beware The Mumsplainers!

Beware The Mumsplainers!

When we first heard the term "Mansplaining" last year, we sighed with relief that there was finally a word for the infuriating experience of hearing a man over-explain something to a woman in the most condescending way imaginable. A victory…
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

Is it anti-feminist, or victim-blaming to worry about your teenage daughter wearing revealing clothes? I ask, because I posed a question on The Motherload Facebook group which sparked a debate which made me question myself and my attitudes.  I was…